Admission Procedure

The only criterion token Into consideration at alstages is merit. Students capability Isthe only recommendation needed to get admission throh the e-counsellr19 (SAMS). We Invite application from students who are strongly determined to work hard whh utmost dedlcatton & commitment to excel In their field.

  1. After the selection the candidates are rlttlvired ta produce the following documents at the time of admission.
  2. Attested Xerox copy of certificates and mark sheets of all earlier examination passed. (Originals of the above documents need to be produced at the time of admission for verif ication).
  3. College Leaving Certifica te (CLC) in original, along with the conduct certif icate Issued by" th lnstlt!Jte lost attended.
  4. Three pdssport size photographs and two stom p size photographs.
  5. Cast certif icate in case of SC/ST by the prescribed authority.
  6. Admi slon Intimation letter, issued by the institution in original."
  7. Migration certificate.
  8. Deolarafloo form in pre scrip13d format to abide by the college rules.