+2 Science
Admission Procedure
The only criterion token Into consideration at alstages is merit. Students capability Isthe only recommendation needed to get admission throh the e-counsellr19 (SAMS). We Invite application from students who are strongly determined to work hard whh utmost dedlcatton & commitment to excel In their field.
- After the selection the candidates are rlttlvired ta produce the following documents at the time of admission.
- Attested Xerox copy of certificates and mark sheets of all earlier examination passed. (Originals of the above documents need to be produced at the time of admission for verif ication).
- College Leaving Certifica te (CLC) in original, along with the conduct certif icate Issued by" th lnstlt!Jte lost attended.
- Three pdssport size photographs and two stom p size photographs.
- Cast certif icate in case of SC/ST by the prescribed authority.
- Admi slon Intimation letter, issued by the institution in original."
- Migration certificate.
- Deolarafloo form in pre scrip13d format to abide by the college rules.